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SFI - Information in English

Swedish for immigrants

Newly arrived adult immigrants over the age of 20 years are entitled to education in Swedish for immigrants (SFI). SFI provide knowledge of the Swedish language and Swedish society. The purpose is to provide adults with the tools to enable them to exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations as citizens in Sweden. The education is free of charge and a part of the adult education system (Vuxenutbildningen).

Three studie paths

The different study paths.
  • Studiepath 1
    Course A, B, C and D. This path is for those with no or very short school experience from the home country (0-6 years). Study pace: Slow.
  • Studiepath 2
    Course B, C and D, This path is for those who have had 7-12 years of schooling in their home country. Study pace: Normal
  • Studiepath 3
    Course C-D. This path is for those who have had more than 13 years of schooling in their home country. Study pace: Fast.

Who can study SFI in Falun?

  • Adults (over the age of 20 years) who do not have Swedish as their mother tongue. If you are between 16 and 20 years old, you can read the Introductionprogram on gymnasial level.
  • Registered living ("Folkbokförd") in Falun.

How long is the education?

It is individual and often depends on your earlier education, previous knowledge and personal goals. Ability to attend lessons, as well as practicing on your own time, can often make the learning process easier.


In order to apply for a SFI you have to choose a SFI-school first. Contact Vägledningscentrum (Kristinegatan 28 in Falun) for information and registration.

It's important that you are able show the following:

  • Papers proofing that you are registered living ("Folkbokförd") in Falun.
  • Residence permit together with a personal number and passport.
Sidan uppdaterad 2023-12-13